Mission Statement

Our Mission Statement

CAMEO’s mission, the education and appreciation of clay as a form of art, is upheld through:

1. Establishing a traveling clay arts museum.

2. Sponsoring exhibits, demonstrations, workshops, other multi media events.

3. Establishing a international teapot  tournament for talented clay artists.

4. A school for people to “get their hands in the clay”.

5. To continue to be proud supporters of the “Empty Bowl Project”. This is one of our most important outreaches to the wider Houston community. CAMEO is proud to be one of the initial contributors and supporters of this event.




2016  Board of Directors

Janis Ross, President           >VIDEO: The Master’s Piece

Marsha Landers, Vice-President

Ernest Maldonado, Secretary

Mary Roder, Treasurer

Lee Q Garcia, Marketing Chief

Jennifer Herzberg, University Liasion

Geraldine Gill


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